About Us

“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things can not be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad

Peacoat Travels is a project that two young travelers and college graduates from Evansville, Indiana, Kara and Bailey, have been dreaming up for around awhile. Inspired by interactions while traveling near and wide, and equally inspired by the awesome interactions we had both had with the #TravelTribe on Twitter – they decided to be bold and find a name that matched their experience and ambitions. Both wanted something too that could instantly provide a visual for how they wanted people to imagine themselves when reading their stories.

Although both Bailey and Kara do enjoy wearing peacoats; the logo and brand design was actually conceptualized by mutual appreciation and association they have as students of history. The term “Pea Coat” is in the American English vernacular but actually derives from the Dutch and stems to 19th century naval attire. * The notion of travel in one’s mind’s eye is a quest not unlike a sailor when at sea – a journey both that defines an individual’s purpose and begins their narrative . Peacoat Travels’ mission statement is ultimately to share stories and experiences as if looking in through a window into a different time. Their historical viewpoint on things is the shard of glass in which their lens is framed.