Attractions · United Kingdom Travel

History Happened Here: Hampton Court

Divorced. Beheaded. Died. Divorced. Beheaded. Survived. When we think of Henry VIII's reign, a lot of us may feel we are so far removed from that time period that we can't truly conceptualize how big of an impact this late-in-life obese, larger than life tyrant played in British or world history. I have always been… Continue reading History Happened Here: Hampton Court

City Exploration · United Kingdom Travel

Edinburgh – A Tale of One City: Two Perspectives, Part 2

"Half a capital and half a country town, the city leads a double existence; it has long trances of the one and flashes of the other; like the king of the Black Isles, it is half alive and half a monumental marble."Robert Louis Stevenson When the cab left us outside Grantham Station that March morning,… Continue reading Edinburgh – A Tale of One City: Two Perspectives, Part 2

City Exploration · United Kingdom Travel

Edinburgh – A Tale of One City: Two Perspectives, Part 1

“This is a city of shifting light, of changing skies, of sudden vistas. A city so beautiful it breaks the heart again and again.”Alexander McCall Smith Three flights, and two layovers later, and I was almost regretting my decision to land directly into Edinburgh instead of London Heathrow and taking the train north. At London… Continue reading Edinburgh – A Tale of One City: Two Perspectives, Part 1


Behind the Name

Peacoat Travels is a project that two young travelers from Evansville, Indiana, Kara and Bailey, have been dreaming up for around awhile. Inspired by interactions while traveling near and wide, and equally inspired by the awesome interactions we had both had with the #TravelTribe on Twitter - they decided to be bold and find a… Continue reading Behind the Name